Founded in 1911, the Des Plaines, IL-based ASSP is the oldest safety society representing more than 38,000 occupational safety, health and environmental professionals located worldwide. It was formed in 1911 in New York City after the deadly Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire to enhance safety with the mission “to promote harmonious action in safety work and to educate members in all matters relating to industrial safety and accident prevention”. Today, in addition to serving its members, ASSP continues to assist with the development of products, services, programs, legislation and more aimed at preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace. For more information go to www.assp.org.
ASSP has more than 150 chapters, 56 sections and 65 student sections within eight U.S. regions. There are members in 76 countries, including chapters in the Middle East, Kuwait, Nigeria, UAE, India, AP, Telangana, Maharashtra and many sections around the World. Chapters offer localized membership services, issue advocacy, networking and professional development opportunities through seminars, conferences, meetings, websites and newsletters.
ASSP provides a comprehensive education program for members and non-members through the Society’s Professional Safety Academy (PSA). The Academy is known as the career partner of the participants, providing high quality programs based on the needs of the profession. Safety, health and environmental professionals gain the knowledge and skills to achieve career success and recognition. Education programs under the Professional Safety Academy include the:
- Annual Professional Development Conference (PDC);
- Annual Management Symposium (spring/winter);
- Hot Topic Symposia on emerging issues (fall);
- SeminarFest: An annual collection of safety seminars (winter);
- Management Seminars to support the ASSP “Certificate in Safety Management;”
- Examination Preparation Workshops to support professional certification;
- On-site seminars exportable to clients such as corporations; and
- Self-Study Programs.
The Society is a significant publisher in the technical safety field and offers a variety of print and electronic resources supporting the career development of members of the profession. ASSP is a Certified Provider, awarded by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET), of continuing education and provides continuing education units for its education programs.
ASSP provides its members with several products and services, including:
- The Online Community, which offers members online access to career services, as well as the membership directory and bulletin boards that enhance membership networking;
- Professional Safety, the Society’s monthly peer-reviewed journal, features in-depth articles that cover a wide range of cutting edge topics, and focus on innovative research and analysis of successful, real-world applications;
- Society Update, ASSP’s online member newsletter, outlines the latest ASSP activities, member accomplishments, chapter and practice specialty news and ASSP communications;
- ASSP UpFront, ASSP’s online chapter leader newsletter, provides chapter officers and committee chairs with up-to-date governance news, leadership ideas, articles and a forum for sharing ideas;
- BackPack Safety Stack, ASSP’s online student member newsletter, highlights the issues pertinent to the collegiate set;
- Self-study courses prepare participants for certification examinations as well as continuing education credit via approved college credit by the American Council on Education;
- Active, ongoing public relations/affairs/issue education programs that are international, national and state-specific;
- Sponsorship of the annual North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH), recognized by Congress in Senate Resolution 245 on April 30, 2002, with the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE);
- Proactive government affairs programs and activities;
- Development of key national and international safety standards;
- Academic standards for safety education and continuing education training seminars;
- Technical publications, localized networking and professional recognition; and
- Insurance programs (group medical & professional liability).
ASSP is secretariat for eight American National Standards Institute (ANSI) committees and/or projects which include: A1264 on Walking/Working Surfaces, Z15 on Motor Vehicle Fleet Safety, Z87 on Eye and Face Protection, Z117 on Confined Space, Z359 on Fall Protection, Z390 on Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Training and Z490 on Safety, Health and Environmental Training. ASSP is also the secretariat for the Z590 project on Competence in the Safety Profession and is the Administrator for the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on fall protection standards. ASSP members also serve on over 40 other safety and health standards committees.
At the university level, the ASSP Educational Standards Committee works to ensure a high standard of preparation for future safety professionals and that the content of academic programs meets the needs of the safety profession and those it serves. As a member of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), ASSP encourages the inclusion of safety principles and courses into related engineering program curricula and establishes curriculum critical for associate, baccalaureate and master’s degree programs. ASSP also makes site visits to schools to accredit their safety programs. Nationally, 14 baccalaureate and master’s degree programs in safety have been accredited by ABET with ASSP as the sponsoring society.
Through its 13 Practice Specialties, ASSP offers professional development opportunities and technical assistance to members and non-members. Practice Specialties are in the areas of: academics, construction, consultants, engineering, environmental, healthcare, industrial hygiene, international, management, mining, public sector, risk management/insurance and transportation. These serve as a forum for discussion of best practice strategies and research; influence relevant programs for professional certification, ASSP chapter-based programs and ASSP technical standards development; and, support advocacy efforts for occupational safety, health and environmental leadership. Online technical information, contacts and referrals along with global involvement opportunities are also available.
The Practice Specialties also support student activity by working with the ASSP Foundation’s student assistance program, sponsoring students to attend ASSP’s annual professional development conference.
The Society enhances the image of the safety profession and its practitioners via its extensive professional affairs programs. ASSP maintains a strong commitment to proactive governmental and professional affairs activities in order to safeguard the practice of the profession at the international, national, and state levels. The Society provides commentary and testimony to legislators and regulators about safety, health, and environmental issues based on good science and sound technology. It publishes regular ASSP Perspectives, monthly Regulatory News and monthly columns in Professional Safety Journal. Governmental Affairs and professional affairs related materials and publications are published on the Government Affairs section of the website. Effective communication of professional and governmental affairs related issues is conducted via publication of monthly columns in Professional Safety Journal and regular updates on the website.
The ASSP awards programs honor outstanding accomplishments in the profession. ASSP Fellow, the highest honor, cites individuals with broad, significant and career-wide contributions to the profession and the Society. Other prestigious awards include the Edgar Monsanto Queeny Safety Professional of the Year (SPY) Award and the Mine Safety Appliances Outstanding Student Section Award.
Established in 1990, the ASSP Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization that advances occupational safety, health and environmental development, research and education in the public interest. The Foundation provides funding for scholarships, fellowships, research grants and professional development throughout the year. Funding comes from ASSP chapters and regions, individual members and corporations. Check foundation.assp.org for more Foundation information.
National ASSP Contact Information:
American Society Of Safety Professionals
520 N. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
PH: 847.699.2929
FX: 847.296.3769
Protecting people, property and the environment since 1911