AHMP/ASSP Joint tour

  • Technical Tour
     April 22, 2022
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Alliance of Hazardous Material Professionals/American Society of Safety Professionals Industry Joint Tour

You are invited to the AHMP/ASSP Argo Mill, Tunnel and Superfund Site Tour in Idaho Springs, CO on Friday, April 22, 2022 @ 9AM. https://argomilltour.com/

If you have never been, the Argo Mill and Tunnel is much more interesting than you would expect for a tourist attraction. This tour will take you through the mill explaining how the mill worked, discuss the safety (or lack thereof) and health of the worker in the mill while it was in operation, take you into the tunnel (it was not a “mine”) and then have you pan for gold. Then we will go down to the Superfund side of things and tour the wastewater treatment plant to discuss the history and clean up efforts associated with the tunnel.


9:00 AM Start the tour of the mill and tunnel

~10:15 Group 1 goes down to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Group 2 will pan for gold.

~10:45-11:00 Group 1 comes back to pan for Gold. Group 2 goes down to the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

~11:30-1145 Tour complete.

12 Noon – Stay and network with professionals from AHMP and ASSP over lunch. Reservations at Beau Jo’s Pizza. Cost of lunch is on your own.

Important Information:

1 – This is a walking tour. Please wear appropriate footwear for walking outside and navigating stairs.

2 – While there are plenty of rest breaks, there are a lot of stairs.

3 – Mill and Tunnel remain at approximately 55 degrees year-round. Please dress appropriately.

Please fill out and sign this waiver before going….https://argomilltour.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ArgoWaiver2021.pdf

You really don’t want to miss this one! It should be a very interesting connection of working conditions Pre-OSHA in the mining industry and hazardous materials remediation at that location decades later.  There is a limit of 30 people for this tour. The cost for the tour is $20 per person. Please signup ASAP to reserve your spot on the tour. If you have any questions about the tour please contact Amanda Welch at Amanda.welch@aptim.com or 419-788-0413.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.